Regina Göhlert
Regina Göhlert was born and raised in Munich. While studying here for her university degree in political science, she acted in several plays for English amateur theatre groups. Wanting to learn more about the craft, she was excited to get an introduction into it by attending the summer program Acting in Shakespeare & Contemporary Theatre at Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London in 2008. By the time she graduated from university, she had developed a preference for the theatre stage over the political stage and is more than happy to have the chance to nurture that love backstage at BeMe Theatre. She has also interned on a production of Aristophanes’ The Birds for the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule, which ran in the Werkraum of the Münchner Kammerspiele. A Beautiful View is her fourth production with BeMe Theatre, having been the Assistant Stage Manager for their production of The Pride, and Stage Manager for their productions of Waiting for Godot, boom and A Beautiful View.
Born in:
Munich, Gemany
Based out of:
Munich, Germany