Felix Leicher
Born in Munich and raised in Regensburg, Felix Leicher studied architecture at the Technische Universität München. Since his graduation and the start of his professional career, he has been responsible for the design of everything from chairs to hospitals, now working in the field of construction management for one of Munich’s most important renovations, the Lenbachhaus. Alongside his work as an architect, Felix Leicher has been the Managing Director of BeMe Theatre since its move to Munich in 2007. Together with Elisa Moolecherry he runs the company, filling multiple positions which include graphic, web and set design as well as producing. He was also the set designer for the BeMe Theatre productions of I, Claudia (Teatro de la Riereta, Barcelona; Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, Shanghai; Amerika Haus and TamS Theater, Munich), Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) (Amerika Haus, Munich), Problem Child, Seven Days in the Life of Simon Labrosse, My Zinc Bed, Waiting for Godot, A Beautiful View (all at the EINSTEIN Kulturzentrum, Munich).
Born in:
Munich, Gemany
Based out of:
Munich, Germany
Technical University of Munich Master of Arts in Achitecture