Mike Meskill
Mike Meskill is a graduate of The North Carolina School of the Arts with a BFA in Technical Design and Production and has been employed with Electronic Theatre Controls for the last 12 years where he serves as the European Service Manager. In addition to his work at ETC, Mr. Meskill has designed shows for the Wisconsin Dance Ensemble (Swan Lake), First United Methodist Church (Amal and the Night Visitors), Penny Emray Dance, Baxter Dance Company, Wisconsin Children’s Theatre, Janesville Art Center (South Pacifi c and The Sound of Music) and worked as the Assistant Designer for the Madison Opera for fi ve years. While in Germany, Mike Meskill designed the first German production of The Vagina Monologues as well as I, Claudia, Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), and Problem Child for BeMe Theatre.
The North Carolina School of the Arts