Lois Jones
Lois Jones was born in Wales and attended a school of the arts from a young age. At the age of only 12, she landed a regular role in the TV series Rownd a Rownd on which she worked for 9 years. She spent the next three years attending the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, one of the most prestigious theatre schools in the U.K., graduating with a 1st degree BA Honours in Acting and winning the Gold Medal (2009). While there, she trained under a slew of highly respected theatre artists, including the internationally acclaimed voice coach Patsy Rodenburg, and performed in such plays as Shakespeare’s Macbeth playing Lady Macbeth; Peter Brook’s The Man Who; and Hard Times, an adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel. Since graduation, Ms. Jones could have been seen on stage in White Bike (Arcola Theatre, London) and at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Italy, as well as on television in the crime-drama Marple: The Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side and in various TV projects for S4C including her current show Dan Glo.
Born in:
Wales, UK
Guildhall School of Music and Drama, UK